Heritage Capital Research offers 3 Strategic Global Allocation portfolios designed to provide exposure to global markets and to manage risk.

  • Global Core
  • Global Growth & Income
  • Global Growth

I. Global Leadership

The Global Leadership program utilizes a risk managed/multi-strategy approach which seeks growth around the globe. The management strategy provides flexibility in terms of portfolio allocations to regions, countries, sectors, and even asset classes via the use of ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds). In marketing terms, this is a “go anywhere” portfolio designed to pursue growth opportunities in a wide variety of markets and asset categories.

Global Leadership Management Strategy:

There are three primary tenets to the management strategy utilized for the Global Leadership program:

I. Utilize Multiple Investment Disciplines
II. Go Where the Growth Is
III. Manage Risk at All Times

Global Leadership Goes Where the Growth Is

One constant in investing is leadership is always on the move. Thus, it is vital to employ a management strategy that can adapt to ever-changing environments. As the name of the program implies, the Global Leadership program incorporates a truly flexible style that is able to invest in a broad spectrum of asset classes in search of performance.

Global Leadership Utilizes Multiple Management Strategies

We believe it is important to incorporate diversification by investment strategy into the program. Toward this end, Global Leadership utilizes multiple strategies within the program.

Global Leadership Manages Risk at All Times

We believe strongly that risk management strategies should be part of every investor’s portfolio. We are confident that if given a choice, no investor would intentionally remain fully invested in any market during severe market declines.

Our approach to managing risk is designed to keep portfolios in tune with the market’s “big picture” cycles at all times. Thus, when markets are in a positive mode, we will focus on growth opportunities. And when our research indicates that the major market cycle has turned negative, we will change course and focus on managing market risk.

One of the keys to the program is a disciplined allocation strategy is employed in order to attempt to keep exposure to market risk "in line" with the overall environment.


II. Global Growth & Income

The Global Growth & Income model is a balanced tactical asset allocation program incorporating both debt and equity exposures, as well as active risk management strategies. The model utilizes HCR’s Adaptive Leadership Asset Allocation to capitalize on global growth opportunities, but also maintains a balanced approach by incorporating more conservative asset classes such as corporate bonds and Treasuries.

Questions? Contact Heritage or give us a call at (303) 670-9761

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Please see disclosures regarding the risks of investing as well as additional disclosure regarding the risks of using leveraged and inverse ETFs in our Disclosure page